
» » Trainer for Project Genom [v1.0.3]

Trainer for Project Genom [v1.0.3]

We have uploaded this tested cheat engine trainer for Project Genom. The options include useful features such as Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye and some others.

Game description:
Project Genom for PC is an MMORPG set in a science-fiction world. The game emphasizes dynamic action, but also offers an open world and a complex character development system. What is distinctive about the game, it comes with spectacular visuals. Project Genom was developed by Genom Games. PlotThe story presented in Project Geom does not go beyond the standards – distantly in the future, the Earth gets completely destroyed and the humanity is forced to search for a new home. Space travel is highly advanced, but none of the known planets is inhabitable. One of the few planets matching our needs is Avalon, a globe that at first glance, is a truly idyllic place. Upon the arrival, it turns out that man has to fight creatures that inhabit the planet in order to get Avalon out of their hands, as humans have made plans for this place. After initial failures, there appears hope embodied by another generation of genetically-modified people – the protagonist is one of them. MechanicsThe player both explores and fights from a third-person view; as for the mechanics, they resemble classic shooters. Although the player spends most of the time shooting and destroying squads of aliens, the game offers an extensive plot, which emphasizes the number of choices the player can make. Each assignment can be completed in several different ways, and the game does not force linearity as it comes to approahing the missions. The main goals are mingled with minor objectives received when exploring the vast, open world. Traversing the planet is facilitated by use of special vehicles – the game includes both traditional machines and more futuristic ones, such as a gravity platform. Project Genom for PC offers a lot of freedom when it comes to creation of one's character. Apart from choosing clothes for them, one can develop their skills, such as hunting, repairing, or a specialty in weapons. Project Genom does not feature a typical division into classes. Instead, the character's specialty depends on what the player invests the development points in, and what mutations or equipment they choose to buy. Apart from typical armors, the player can use powerful mech-suits or disguises allowing the protagonist to take alien forms. Regardless of the path chosen, the player can participate in both PvP and PvE encounters. In case of the latter, special events occur on the servers from time to time, and those require a large number of players to cooperate – for instance, a sudden invasion of new aliens takes place. Technical aspectsProject Genom for PC offers spectacular visuals. This has its source in the use of the Unreal Engine 4 in production of the game; the engine allows to precisely generate character models and the in-game environment. Also, the game featured advanced particle effects, reflections and animations, which made Project Genom one of the best-looking titles in the genre. Misc.The game uses a free-to-play model including a system of optional microtransactions through these, the players can purchase mainly cosmetic items.

Download Project Genom trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Trainer for Project Genom [v1.0.3]:

Trainer for Project Genom [v1.0.3]

Function list:
• F1 Change Secondary Skill Level
• F2 Edit: Trait 2
• F3 Timer Active
• F4 Max Player Stats
• F5 Unlock All Characters
• F6 Set Selected Unit Strength

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:23-06-2021, 06:33
Downloads:Downloaded 9220 times
Verified: users rating (4.45 stars)

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