
» » Trainer for Urban Terror [v1.0.6]

Trainer for Urban Terror [v1.0.6]

If you came to this page, you were probably looking for cheats for Urban Terror. Using trainers in this game, you can get Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye etc. This trainer from FLiNG will work in later versions.

Game description:
Urban Terror is a modification of the famous action game Quake III: Arena, betting more than the original on the realism of the game. In the assumptions it resembles the popular Counter Strike, but the difference is that it is more dynamic than the competition. The fights take place on quite large maps, raising the bar set by the Q3 engine requirements, offering a whole new experience in return. This is no longer a lively Q3, but a tactical game that requires teamwork from players. Of course in place of various futuristic weapons such as railgun and "welding". The same applies to the character models and maps on which the duels take place futuristic rooms have replaced modern locations, various towns and urban agglomerations, interiors of buildings, etc. The same applies to the character models and maps on which the duels take place. To enjoy the fun of Urban Terror you need the full version of Quake III Arena. Please let us know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding this description.

Download Urban Terror trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Trainer for Urban Terror [v1.0.6]:

Trainer for Urban Terror [v1.0.6]

Function list:
• F1 Super Movement Speed
• F2 Super Morale
• F3 Change Clock
• F4 Unlimited Torchlight
• F5 Unlimited Actions
• F6 Force Right
• F7 Change Basic Budget
• F8 Edit: Blue Gems

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Date Added:2-06-2022, 02:40
Downloads:Downloaded 10929 times
Verified: users rating (4.67 stars)

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