
» » Horizon Chase Turbo: TRAINER AND CHEATS (V1.0.67)

Horizon Chase Turbo: TRAINER AND CHEATS (V1.0.67)

If you came to this page, you were probably looking for cheats for Horizon Chase Turbo. Here you can download the trainer for game version 1.0 and higher, which will be an excellent replacement for the codes. You can get some others Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye cheating functions. Cheats are currently available from MrAntiFan .

Game description:
Horizon Chase Turbo is an improved version of Horizon Chase, a game known from mobile devices. Compared to the original title, the new release features a few novelties. The biggest one is a split-screen mode that enables from two to four players to play together on a single screen. The graphics were improved as well. The game fully supports console and computer gamepads and it features plenty of content that was gradually added to the mobile version. The game features 12 tournaments, 48 cities, 109 tracks, 31 vehicles and 12 upgrades. MechanicsHorizon Chase Turbo references classic 16-bit racing games ? the ones that featured two-dimensional graphics that used clever tricks to imitate three dimensions. The action is presented from behind the car and the players are tasked with beating tracks as fast as possible. There are a few cars with different parameters available. During the game, the players are competing on tracks located in places like deserts, cities and highways that go through green grasses. The driving model is 100% action-focused and the races are very fast-paced. Technical aspectsHorizon Chase Turbo impresses with its looks. The developers took the behavior of the camera and the construction of the tracks from two-dimensional games released on 16-bit consoles and computers. At the same time, all objects, cars and surroundings were created in 3D as slightly rough models with simple textures. The effect is very interesting and it has both a modern and a retro touch to it. The sounds are good as well. The music was composed by Barry Leitch, a Swedish composer that created soundtracks to classic games like Lotus Turbo Challenge, Top Gear and Supercars.
PC, PS4, Switch, XONE

Download Horizon Chase Turbo trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Horizon Chase Turbo: TRAINER AND CHEATS (V1.0.67):

Horizon Chase Turbo: TRAINER AND CHEATS (V1.0.67)

Function list:
- F1 Unlimited Milk Booze
- F2 Toggle Pause Clock
- F3 Instant Sub Weapon Points/Use
- F4 Fast Job Promotion
- F5 Unlimited Jetpack Fuel
- F6 Snares
- F7 Unbreakable Weapons
- F8 Rare Resources
- F9 Edit: Tech Points
- F10 Easy Craft/Build/Recipe
- F11 Set XP Below Next Level

HOME Disable All

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Date Added:8-01-2023, 03:46
Downloads:Downloaded 8834 times
Verified: users rating (4.21 stars)

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