
» » Anno History Collection: Cheats, Trainer +12 [dR.oLLe]

Anno History Collection: Cheats, Trainer +12 [dR.oLLe]

If you came to this page, you were probably looking for cheats for Anno History Collection. Using trainers in this game, you can get Unlimited Health,Unlimited Stamina,Unlimited Dead Eye etc. Files are available from dR.oLLe , We will try to add more files for this game soon!

Game description:
Anno History Collection is a compilation of refreshed versions of the first four installments of the Anno series. We are talking about a popular cycle of economic strategies, which is supervised by Ubisoft. The set includes the following games: Anno 1602: Creation of New World (with two add-ons New Islands and New Adventure), Anno 1503: The New World (and the expansion Treasures, Monsters & Pirates), Anno 1701 (and the add-on The Sunken Dragon), and Anno 1404 (and Venice). Plot The action of games forming the Anno History Collection compilation takes place in the years: 1602, 1503, 1701 and 1404. In the first three parts of the series we go to the New World and take part in its colonization, while the fourth part of the cycle takes us to the east coast of medieval Asia. In each of these games we play the role of an overseas landowner, whose task is to build a thriving city from scratch. MechanicsIn the games included in the Anno History Collection the action is observed from the top-down view. The fun begins on board the ship, and our first task is to choose where we will try to settle down. Later on, there is nothing else left to do but to start a proper game, during which we obtain raw materials with the hands of our subjects, erect buildings and connect them with each other by means of a road network, as well as create complex production chains. Besides, an important role is played by trading in various goods, establishing more or less friendly relations with neighbours (and, if necessary, waging wars with them) or, finally, taking care of the needs of the inhabitants and satisfying the demand for certain goods. Game modes In Anno History Collection you can play in role-playing campaigns, casual games and multiplayer modes (the latter is also available for the first time ever in Anno 1503: The New World). Technical aspects The authors of the Anno History Collection have made sure that each of the games it creates works in high resolution (up to 4K), and have been enhanced with multi-screen support. It is worth adding that players can use the saved game states from the original versions of each title.

Download Anno History Collection trainer for free for unlimated cheats, all cheats in trainer tested and work.
You can use trainer for game that already installed.

Anno History Collection: Cheats, Trainer +12 [dR.oLLe]:

Anno History Collection: Cheats, Trainer +12 [dR.oLLe]

Function list:
- F1 Reset Adversary Gold/Lanterns
- F2 Infinite Dash
- F3 Change Gems
- F4 AI Units Invincible
- F5 Pick Up All Loot
- F6 Set Stone
- F7 No Sleep Needed
- F8 Fast Sniper Rifle Shots
- F9 Keep Health Full
- F10 Unlimited Thrust
- F11 Edit Int
- F12 Easy HUB Upgrades

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Date Added:11-07-2023, 23:05
Downloads:Downloaded 10941 times
Verified: users rating (4.47 stars)

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